The main theme of the Congress is Geoscience for Economic Prosperity and Sustainable Development. The theme of the congress itself is of great significance, which tries to reveal the importance of geology and its applications in the sustainable development and economic prosperity of the nations. For this purpose, knowledge from different sectors of geosciences can be utilized. The Congress will focus on the following sectors and subthemes:
- Exploration and mining of Mineral Resources, Construction Materials, Petroleum and Natural Gases
- Challenges and opportunities in mineral based industries
- Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Development
- Geo-Hazards and Disaster Risk Management
- Landslide Mitigation
- Hydropower Development
- Hydrogeology and Water Resources Management
- Advancement in Geological Mapping Techniques
- Regional Geology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics
- Quaternary Geology and Soil Science
- Seismology and Seismotectonics
- Geotourism and its Management
- Remote Sensing and Geodesy
- Environmental and Medical Geology
- Geo-technical Engineering
- Exploration Geophysics and Geochemistry
- Geoscience Education and Geo-heritage Conservation
- Climate Change impact, adaptation and mitigation
- Physical Processes and Geomorphology