Elizabeth Andrews
Department of Geoscience
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Socorro, New Mexico 87801
Litho-stratigraphy of Sabhaya Khola region of estern Nepal is worked out. The area is divided by thrusts into three main units viz; Milke Gneiss, Kathmandu Complex and Nuwakot Complex. The units are further subdivided into goups and formations mainly based on lithological characteristics. An attempt is also made to correlate these rocks with previous investigations in and adjacent to the present study area.
Economic deposits of almandine garnet occur within a N-S extending narrow zone in the Chainpur Group of Kathmandu Complex. The mineralization in the zone is considered to be controlled stratigraphically. Also, gem-bearing pegmatites occur in a definite stratigraphic horizon within the Phakuwa Group of Kathmandu Complex, just below the Main Central Thrust.