Venue: Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DOWRI)
Date: April 25, 2018
Organizer: Nepal Geological Society (NGS)
Press meeting on thememory of 3 years of Gorkha Earthquake was conducted by the Society on April25, 2018 on the Auditorium Hall of Department of Irrigation, Jawalakhel,Lalitpur. On the occasion 25 journalists from different media house were participated. The program was chaired by president of the Nepal Geological Society Dr. Kabi Raj Paudyal and Dr. Amod Mani Dixit General Secretary of NSET was the chief guest. Prof. Dr. Tara Nidhi Bhattarai (Member, NationalReconstruction Authority), Dr. Deepak Chamlagain (Assistant professor,Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus), Dr. Sudhir Rajaure (DeputyDirector General, Department of Mines and Geology) and Mr. Mukunda Bhattarai(Seismologist, National Seismological Center) delivered their presentationrelated to Gorkha Earthquake and its aftermath. After the presentation a pressrelease was distributed to the media persons and all the participants. ChiefGuest of the program Dr. Amod Mani Dixit highlighted the need of such programto disseminate the research findings related to earthquake to the stake holdersduring his speech. At the end of the program Vice President of the NepalGeological Society gave vote of thanks. The program was conducted by Mr.Surendra Maharjan, Deputy General Secretary of the Nepal Geological Society.