Nepal Geological Society (NGS) is well known for its continuing academic and professional activities in national as well as international level since its establishment. International and national level conferences, seminars and scientific talk programs are being organized regularly since the beginning of this organization. One of the important aims of such activities is to provide platforms to the national and international geoscientists to share their latest research findings and establishing international networks for the advancement of research and development in the field of geosciences and geo-engineering. NGS has been providing ample opportunities to the young geoscientists from around the world to share and gain knowledge in their field of interest from the experts. To mention some of NGS’s achievements, it was honored with the 1998 United Nations Sasakawa Disaster Prevention Award Certificate of Merit in appreciation for its contribution to disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness. It was also honored with Science and Technology Promotion Award 2013 from Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) in recognition of its contribution in the research and promotion of Geoscience. 11th IAEG Asian Regional Conference (ARC-11) held in Kathmandu from
November 28 to 30, 2017 was the recent big international event successfully accomplished by Nepal Geological Society. Similarly, 9th Nepal Geological Congress held in Kathmandu during November 19-21 was another recent international event successfully organized by Nepal Geological Society.
As a continuation of this tradition, NGS planned to conduct 10th Nepal Geological Congress in November 2020. However because of the widespread of deadly COVID-19 pandemic in the world, NGS has decided to reschedule 10th Nepal Geological Congress from March 7 to 8, 2021 to exchange experiences, knowledge and recent findings in the field of geosciences and its application among the geoscientists without borders. The women and young geoscientists will be given priority to share their experience in this particular Geological Congress.