The Nepal Geological Society (NGS) along with its partner organizations in Nepal has organized the 11th IAEG Asian Regional Conference (ARC-11) in Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal on 28-30 November 2017.
For last 50 years, the International Association for Engineering Geology and Environment (IAEG) brings together all engineering geological professionals and researchers into a single forum through various regional and international conferences and it is serving excellently to further development of engineering geology discipline and promoting many national groups around the globe. Nepal Geological Society (NGS) also has an affiliation with IAEG as Nepal National Group and it is assisting IAEG by conducting various IAEG related conferences.
As a continuation of this, the Nepal Geological Society has organized the 11th Asian Regional Conference of IAEG on 28-30 November, 2017 at Hotel Yak and Yeti, Kathmandu. The main sponsor of the conference was IAEG and different international partners such as International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction (ICGDR); Center for Disaster management Informatics Research, Ehime University Faculty of Engineering, Kagawa University, Japan; Trumer Schutzbauten, Austria; Japan Society of Engineering Geology (JSEG); Indian Society of Engineering Geology (ISEG) and Geotech Solutions International and different Nepali Partners such as National Planning Commission; National Reconstruction Authority; Department of Mines and Geology; Central Department of Geology, TU, Kirtipur; Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Campus; Department of Irrigation; Nepal Electricity Authority; Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST); President Chure-Terai Madhesh Conservation Development Board; ICIMOD, NSET, Different professional organizations and different private and public power developers and mining industries contributed for the grand success of the program.
The program was graciously inaugurated by the Right Honorable President of Nepal Ms. Bidya Devi Bhandari. Dr. Kabi Raj Paudyal, President of Nepal Geological Society, delivered wellcome speech and expressed his great pleasure on the gracious presence of Right Honorable President of Nepal Ms. Bidya Devi Bhandari. He also expressed his confidence that the outcomes of research delibrated in the conference will certainly be a solid contribution towards geo-disaster management and sustainable infrastructural development of the nation.
Right Honorable President confered upon the Honorary Membership of the NGS to two distinguished geo-scientists Mr. Krishna Prasad Kaphle (Nepal) and Prof. Dr. V.C. Thakur (India) for their contribution to research and development of geo-science in the Himalayas. RT. Hon. President also confered appreciation letter to the Past Presidents of the Society during the Inaugural Session. More than 450 participants along with 220 foreign geoscientists from different 30 countries were participated the conference. On this occasion, president of IAEG Prof. Dr. Scott F. Burns shade light on the activities of IAEG and expressed his pleasure at organizing such a conference in Nepal.
There were 33 different (Oral and poster) sessions along with 12 key note papers, 6 invited lectures one research proposal writing lecture during the three days long conference. One pre and four post conference excursion along different parts of Nepal were also organized where a large number of Nepalese and foreign geoscientists were participated.
Honorable Vice President of the National Planning Commission Dr. Swornim Wagle was the Chief Guest of the Validictory Session of the conference. He distributed best student poster award and appreciation letter to the Convener and Co-Convener of the conference. Dr. Danda Pani Adhikari, Convener of the program summarized the activities of the conference at the last.