Activities of 16th Executive Committee
Sunkoshi Landslide damming
Title: Special Talk Program on Sunkoshi Landslide Damming: Causes, consequences and Actions
Organized by: Nepal Geological Society in association with Nepal Geological Society in association with Nepal Landslide Society, Himalayan Landslide Society, Nepal Geotechnical Society and NSET-Nepal
Date: August 13, 2014 (Shrawan 28, 2071), Wednesday
Time: 2:00-5:00 PM
Venue: Russian Center of Science and Culture, Kamalpokhari
Attended by more than 150 people representing various government and non-government organization, professional societies, academic institutions; members of NGS and associated societies. Four technical papers were presented from geological, engineering geological, geotechnical and humanitarian aspects. Though the discussion time was limited due to time constraints, we had common understanding on the causes of the slide, need of improved mechanism for geo-disaster risk reduction, requirement of improved system to properly address humanitarian issues during the disaster and post-disaster management. Thanks to the paper presenter Prof. M.R. Dhital; S.C. Amatya; T.L. Adhikari; D. R. Pandey and all participants for making the program a successful one
Engineering Geology in Hydroipower
Title: Special Talk Program on Engineering Geology at the Boundary of Feasibility; Recent Case Histories
Organized by: Nepal Geological Society in association with Society of Transport Engineers-Nepal (SOTEN) and Full Bright Consultancy (FBC)
Date: July 18, 2014 (Shrawan 2, 2071), This Friday
Time: 03:00 PM
Venue: Saumil Party Palace, Sinamangal
Dr. Ulrich Glawe, an engineering geologist from Germany delivered the talk on “Engineering Geology at the Boundary of Feasibility; Recent Case Histories.” The following are the specific topics that he concentrated in his talk:
1. “Tunneling through in-situ Mud under high Overburden Pressure”; the case of the Tailrace Tunnel of the Hulu Terengganu Project in Malaysia (built in 2012).
2. “Applying State-of-the-Art Grouting Technologies to difficult ground”; the case of the Lai Chau Dam in Vietnam (under construction).
Attended by around 100 attended by around 100 participants including geologists and engineers working in various sectors like hydropower, transportation, irrigation and representatives from Nepal Tunneling Association, Nepal Hydropower Association etc.
Nutrient Dynamics
Title: Talk Program on Nutrient dynamics: Anthropogenic Alteration and Challenges
Organized by: Nepal Geological Society
Date: 2071.3.20 Friday
Time: 3:00 Pm
Venue: Department of Mines and Geology, Auditorium Hall, Lainchaur
Dr. Dev Prasad Jaisi, Assistant Professor, Environmental Biogeochemistry , Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, delivered the talk entitled “Nutrient dynamics: Anthropogenic alteration and challenges”. Around 60 participants attended the program.
Glacier Status in Nepal
Title: Special Talk Program on Glacier Status in Nepal and Decadal Change from 1980 to 2010
Organized by: Nepal Geological Society in association with ICIMOD
Date: June 27, 2014 (13th Asadh 2071), Friday
Time: 03:00 PM
Venue: Elite Hall, Trade Tower, Thapathali
Mr. Samjwal Ratna Bajracharya, Remote Sensing Specialist, ICIMOD delivered the talk on “Glacier Status in Nepal and Decadal Change from 1980 to 2010”. The talk program was followed by distribution of recent publication of ICIMOD (Printed Report as well as glacier digital database) and Hi-Tea. Around 80 participants attended the program.
Geoscience Teaching in Nepal
Title: Interaction program on Geoscience Teaching in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges (??????? ????????????? ??????: ???? ? ??????)
Organized by: Nepal Geological Society in association with Central Department of Geology, TU and NAST
Date: 2071/01/26, Friday
Venue: Seminar Hall of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Khumaltar
The interaction program was attended by around 35 professionals involved in NGS Members involved in academic/research activities at different departments of various universities/colleges in Nepal. The issues and problems of its members involved in teaching were explored which is supposed to further help towards advocacy for addressing specific issues in academic sector. The program was very successful to explore the relevant information.
Workshop on Metamorphic P-T and their Tectonic Significance
Title: Metamorphic Pressures, Temperatures and their tectonic significance: Methods and applications to the Himalaya
Organized by: Nepal Geological Society in association with Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Campus, TU
Date: April 10-11, 2014
Venue: Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Campus, Seminar Hall, Ghantaghar
The two days workshop was conducted by distinguished Professor Matthew J. Kohn from Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, USA. He covered the relevant topics like Metamorphic Pressures, Temperatures and their tectonic significance: Applications to the Himalaya; How geochronology constrains tectonic processes: Methods; and How geochronology constrains tectonic processes: Applications to the Himalaya Applications to the Himalaya. Around 35 participants attended the workshop.
Talk Program
Talk program organized by Nepal Geological Society at the following date and venue:
Date: 2070.12.7 Friday
Time: 3:00 Pm
Venue: Department of Geology, Tri-chandra Campus, Ghantaghar
The program was attended by around 30 participants in which two presentations were made by the following two researchers:
1. Petrology and Geochemistry of the Tynong Province Granitoids, Lachlan Orogen, Australia by Kamal Regmi
2. Evolution of the fluvial systems and petrography of sedimentary rocks of the Miocene Siwalik Group, Karnali River section, Nepal Himalaya: implications for provenance, paleoclimate and Himalayan tectonics by Ashok Sigdel